
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Men’s Group
Men's study is a time for the men to get together to study the Word of God and encourage and exhort one another to contend for the faith. Join us at 9:30 A.M. every Thursday morning.

Thursday Morning Coffee

At The Cross Christian Fellowship

Every Thursday morning the men of our church and others, get together for coffee and snacks and to discuss important relevant topics in the Word, and how they relate to our every day situations. Come and join us!

Small Groups


Small groups are a gathering of individuals who come together with a shared purpose of serving and supporting one another in their spiritual and personal growth and in outreach efforts. These groups often meet regularly to study the Bible, pray, and engage in various ministry activities. Find a group and join us below!

Contact Us

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